ages Sequential Discovery Burr Puzzle by Brian Young
24 October 2019Released October 2019. 200 made. Sold out November 2019 Original Price: AU$385.00 (AU$350 ex Australian Tax) In March 2020 one of these puzzles has since…
The 32nd IPP was held in Washington DC. What a city to visit. So many museums. And then there was a weekend of puzzling…..
Mr Puzzle made two new sequential discovery puzzle designs for the Edward Hordern Puzzle Exchange event and a complex interlocking burr.
Puzzles are listed in the Exclusive IPP Puzzles page on our website.
Brian designed the Washington Monument puzzle, especially for IPP32.
The object of the puzzle is to unlock and open it, find the blue, close and relock it. All the tools you’ll need are provided with the puzzle.
The other sequential discovery puzzle is called A Plugged Well. Brian designed in here at Mr Puzzle and we made for Matthew Dawson to exchange at IPP32.
The challenge is to work your way through the puzzle to find the barrel of oil. You will have to discover a range of tools and work out how to use them, some are very well disguised, to reach the final goal.
Four in the Vice. Presented by Frans de Vreugd. Designed by Stéphane Chomine.
Only 200 of these puzzles ever made. 100 sent to IPP32. 100 for sale exclusively on this website.
The puzzle is to assemble the 6 pieces so that you make what looks like a framed burr. The Vice comes in two pieces and then the 4 other pieces intersect in two directions through it.
BIG NEWS: Brian’s Houdini Torture Cell puzzle exchanged at IPP31 in Berlin was a winner of one of two Jury First Prizes in the Nob Yoshigahara Puzzle Design Competition 2012