Brian and Sue have now retired. Our last day of trading on this website was 21st December 2023.
If you need to contact us we can still be reached via the Contact Us page or email directly to [email protected]
For a little while from February 2024 some of the last of our stock will be available at the Mr Puzzle eBay shop. Check it out. Still some great puzzles to be had.
We extend a HUGE thank you to all our fantastic customers who’ve kept us in business all these years since 1998 on the web and since 1992 at the markets before that.
We hope we’ve provided you all with lots of perplexing puzzling over the years!
Keep on Puzzling
Sue & Brian
We sell ONLY puzzles.
We’ve been making and selling complex puzzles and brainteasers since 1992 and had an online store since 1998. There wasn’t even any google in those days!
Our specialty is very hard puzzles and other specialty puzzles sourced from around the world; many of the puzzles we sell are not available anywhere else. Wood and metal puzzles from specialist puzzle makers and designers. All types of mechanical puzzles. Sequential discovery puzzles, interlocking burr puzzles, cast metal puzzles, wire puzzles, sliding block puzzles, tangram, soma, nail and rope disentanglement and all your other old favourites too.
You can view by Puzzle Type, or search by Category, by Difficulty rating, by Price, by Manufacturer or by Designer.
Most puzzles will come with a printed solution. We will specifically say on the product detail page if there’s not one with the puzzle you’re considering.
So, who is Mr Puzzle himself?
Brian Young has been making puzzles at Mr Puzzle since 1992. Mr Puzzle started out selling only our own brand of puzzles way before internet shopping was thought of. We sold our puzzles at a craft market at Southbank Parklands in Brisbane. From 1998 when we launched our first website we knew it was going to be a great way to connect to many international customers who were visiting Australia and found us at Southbank and wanted to buy more puzzles. Over the years we started combining selling our own product with puzzles bought in from other suppliers; most of whom do not sell via any other outlet in Australia.
Brian himself is well known to collectors around the world for his amazing Limited Edition puzzles, very hard burr puzzles, and more recently his sequential discovery puzzles. His last Limited Edition SMS Box (series now Sold Out) is generally acknowledged as his hardest puzzle ever and there are many collectors out there who’ve never been able to solve it.
Brian is also a puzzle collector and puzzle solver. He enjoys playing with puzzles and sourcing puzzle designs.
As Mr Puzzle has grown Sue Young has taken over the Administration. We’re a small team but that just makes our service more personalised.

And what about Sue & Brian as the partners who own Mr Puzzle?

You’ll get some insights into who are are from this discussion with Mel from UGames at the Melbourne Toy Fair in March 2020. Hope you find it interesting.
We sell puzzles from some of the most sought after puzzle designers and makers in the world. There are very high level burrs by Bill Cutler and Junichi Yananose and the amazing metal take apart puzzles of Wil Strijbos and a new designer Felix Ure. There’s traditional Japanese puzzle boxes imported directly from Japan and less expensive puzzle boxes from China.