Wendy – the wooden interlocking kangaroo puzzle
4 December 1999Sold out 1999 Limited Edition Set of 12. Original Price: AU$200.00 From 1874 Mr Yamanaka applied the ancient Japanese skill of joining wood without nails…
The puzzle is to remove the rope from the wood.
The earliest known reference to string puzzles is in Jerome Cardans’ De Rerum Varietate published in 1557 in which he describes two different string puzzles, one of which is similar to this one. Over the years puzzles have been used to express political commentary (some not so subtle) as seen in the 1918 puzzle called “Hang The Kaiser” where you had to undo the rope from around the “Beast of Berlin’s” neck so you could hang him again by putting it back on.
Be careful not to get it into too many knots, and remember you will need to get the rope back on again if you want to re-use the puzzle!
Size 145mm x 40mm x 10mm